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The closest dates of BackStage Workshops:

- 30th of October, 5pm, before our performance

"Urodziny" at 7 pm

Both the workshops and the performance take place at Teatr Studio, Malarnia Stage

We have a great pleasure to invite you to the BackStage Workshop  7 times this year!

What is this? This is a unique opportunity to meet our team, dance with us and experience some of our performances on your own body in a magical, scenic atmosphere!

We invite you to workshops with B'cause Dance Company, which will take place on the stage of the Teatr Studio just before our performances. The workshop consists of two parts - a warm-up, in which the dancers performing in a performance participate, and learning a fragment of the repertoire of a performance, which you will be able to see on stage the same evening.

Workshops start 2 hours before selected performances and last 1 hour and 15 minutes. So that means you have 45 mins breaks between the workshop and the performance.

We invite everyone for the workshops but the level of difficulty is defined as intermediate / advanced. The number of places is limited, so please book your place as soon as possible! Suggested age is 12+.

Studio Theatre, Malarnia stage,
pl. Defilad 1, Warsaw

Workshops are included in the ticket price.

To book a place at the workshop, please send us an e-mail with the subject "BackStage workshop + date of the workshop" in the content specifying the booking number of the ticket purchased at

Questions regarding the participation of larger groups in the workshops - please also contact

As the number of places at the workshop is limited, the condition for participation in the workshop is our return e-mail confirming receipt of your application.

If you have any questions, please contact us at

Project co-financed by the Capital City of Warsaw Warsaw.

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