choreography: Bartek Woszczyński
dancers: Agata Dulęba, Mateusz Krzysiak, Vita Vaskiv,
Martyna Warzocha, Angele Villanueva
music: ATMO Music Productions
light design: Artur Wytrykus
costume design: Joanna Woszczyńska
design of graphic materials: Renata Orzeszek | Bez Szablonu
project coordination: Urszula Woszczyńska
The project was supported by the city of Warsaw.

About the performance:
The performance "Alone | One A.I." explores the idea of solitude, which is now intensified by the development of technology and virtual reality.
What is solitude? Does solitude always have to be associated with a sense of loneliness? Or maybe only in solitude we can get to know ourselves best? Is loneliness the process or just a momentary emotion? Why do we sometimes feel lonely even though we are surrounded by many people? How can we escape loneliness? How can we show other people that we suffer loneliness? What role does virtual reality play in the feeling of solitude? Can artificial intelligence be our special solution? Is solitude a choice? How can we recognize people who suffer from loneliness? Or maybe we are all suffering from it?